Soil Conservation Plans / Ag E&S Plans

Soil Conservation plans, sometimes known as Agricultural Erosion & Sedimentation Plans, focus on minimizing the risk of soil and nutrient loss from your farm. These plans are a required element of an Act 38 Nutrient Management Plan and CAFO Permit and are also required for land preservation programs. Continue reading to learn about Soil Conservation Plans / Ag E&S Plans.

All farms performing soil disturbing operations (including no-till) or have animal concentrated areas should have a Conservation Plan documenting current practices in place on their farm. In addition to being a regulatory document, these plans are a good way for farms to assess their environmental liability & plan for the future.  

Rosetree Consulting has certified conservation planners on staff that can help you develop farm conservation plans. Our planners perform a site visit to look over the farm, discuss the current rotation and tillage practices, and discuss any conservation issues you have on the farm. We then develop a draft plan, providing options to address any environmental issues identified during the planning process. After a review meeting to discuss the plan & make final decisions on BMP implementation, the plan is finalized.

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