Variable Rate Prescriptions

Variable Rate applications can take many different forms – limestone, phosphorus & potassium fertilizer, seed populations, manure applications, and nitrogen fertilizer. Whatever level of variable rate applications you’re looking for, we can help. Our goal is to provide economic value & return on investment (ROI) to your operation by using our Data Management Services to create Variable Rate prescriptions. VR prescriptions are more about re-allocating your crop investment dollars spatially – increasing investments where ROI is high and reducing investments where ROI is lower.   Some of the VR prescriptions Rosetree can provide are:

Crop removal scripts for phosphorus and potassium

These are broadcast fertilizer applications based on the current year’s yield data between the years when new soil tests would be taken. After yield maps are cleaned up,  a variable rate broadcast fertilizer prescription is developed based on crop removal and your fertilizer analysis. This prescription can also consider older soil test data, previous manure applications, and any manure applications you plan to make.

Soil Test Result scripts for limestone, phosphorus, and potassium

After our agronomists discuss the precision ag soil testing results with customers, they develop scripts for lime & broadcast fertilizer to address any spatially limiting nutrient. These prescription layers can take into account planned manure applications and your fertilizer budget.

Variable Rate Nitrogen

VR nitrogen can be done in a few ways. It can be done simply by providing 1 lb of nitrogen for each bushel of expected yield using yield goals created in our Data Management Service, or it can be done by utilizing the Adapt-N Nitrogen Modeling service, which quantifies nitrogen loss & real-time weather effects on the zone created yields.  

Variable Rate Seeding

VR seeding is recommended once a farm has enough yield data to create a multi-layer yield map. Our agronomists will work with you and your seed advisors to set upper & lower limits for the varieties you plan to plant, then create a prescription layer that can be exported to your controller.

To implement VR applications right, we need to be confident in our management zones and the prescriptions we create. Our staff spends time with our customers to ensure zone creation is accurate & to understand how the farm wants to implement VR prescriptions.

Are you looking for an agricultural specialist in Pennsylvania? Contact the professionals at Rosetree Consulting.

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